How much does Tooth extraction Cost? Dental procedures like tooth extraction can vary in price depending on several factors. In this blog, we’ll delve into the various aspects that influence the cost of tooth extraction and provide insights to help you better understand the expenses involved in this common dental procedure. 

Whether you’re preparing for a tooth extraction or simply curious about the associated costs, read on to gain valuable information to make informed decisions about your dental health.

What is Tooth Extraction? 

Tooth extraction is a dental procedure where a tooth is removed from its socket in the jawbone. A dentist or oral surgeon typically performs this procedure to address various dental issues such as severe tooth decay, gum disease, crowding, or trauma.

Why would I need a tooth extraction? 

There are various reasons why your dentist might recommend extracting one or more teeth:

Your dentist will examine whether a tooth extraction is the most suitable treatment for your dental concerns.

What is the average cost for a tooth extraction? 

The average tooth extraction cost typically starts around $146 but can vary, sometimes exceeding $300 per tooth. Several factors influence the cost, such as:

  • The complexity of the extraction (impacted teeth or wisdom tooth removal may be more expensive)
  • Your location (living in a major city may increase costs)
  • The type of anesthesia required (local anesthesia is usually less costly than intravenous or general anesthesia)
  • The experience and skill level of your dental specialist

What are the different types of tooth extraction?

Tooth extractions are categorized as either “simple” or “surgical.”

Tooth extraction

Simple extraction: 

A simple extraction is the least complex and relatively affordable, ranging from $70 to $250 per tooth on average. It typically involves local anesthesia, which is often included in the extraction cost.

Surgical extraction: 

Surgical extraction is more intricate and costly, averaging between $180 and $550 per tooth. It usually entails local anesthesia and intravenous anesthesia. General anesthesia may also be administered, with a fixed initial cost followed by additional charges in 15-minute increments after the first hour.

What is the average cost of wisdom tooth removal? 

The cost of wisdom tooth removal typically ranges from $120 to $800 per tooth. This procedure is often categorized as a surgical extraction. Several factors can affect the total cost of wisdom tooth removal, including:

  • The condition of your teeth. (Erupted teeth are easier to remove, while impacted teeth may require sedation and more extensive removal procedures).
  • The number of teeth being extracted.
  • The type of anesthesia administered.
  • Your age.
  • Your location.

How much does a tooth extraction cost with insurance? 

The cost of a tooth extraction with insurance hinges on the type of plan you hold. If your plan extends coverage to procedures beyond preventive care, your tooth extraction might be covered if it’s deemed medically necessary. Otherwise, your dental insurance plan will typically cover a percentage of the extraction procedure.

Moreover, expenses such as deductibles and coinsurance vary depending on the plan. For instance, if you undergo a simple extraction for a single wisdom tooth valued at $500, and your plan covers extractions at 80%, you’ll be responsible for $100 if you’ve met your plan’s deductible.

What is the cost of a tooth extraction without insurance? 

Without dental insurance, you’ll be responsible for covering the entire cost of a tooth extraction out of pocket. This expense can vary significantly, starting from $70 for a straightforward extraction of a single tooth to $3,000 or higher for a complex surgical extraction involving multiple teeth.

If you lack insurance coverage, alternative payment options such as medical credit cards, dental savings programs, or spending accounts may assist you in financing dental procedures.

What other expenses are associated with tooth extraction? 

Apart from the procedure itself, there are several additional costs you may encounter before, during, or after a tooth extraction:

Pre- and post-operative appointments: Before the extraction, you may need consultations with your dentist or oral surgeon to discuss the procedure. Additionally, post-operative visits for follow-up care may be necessary. These appointments are typically billed separately from the extraction.

X-rays: Your dentist may require X-rays of the affected tooth to plan the extraction process. These X-rays may incur an additional cost.

Medication: Your dentist might prescribe antibiotics or pain relievers following the procedure. Depending on your dental insurance coverage, these medications may or may not be included. On average, these medications can cost around $30.


Understanding the cost of tooth extraction is crucial for making informed decisions about dental care. From simple to surgical extractions, various factors influence the overall expenses involved. By knowing what to expect and exploring potential payment options, you can navigate the financial aspect of tooth extraction more confidently.

Want to know “How much does tooth extraction cost?” Explore your dental care options at Delight Dental Smiles in Hollywood, FL. Make an appointment with us to discuss your dental needs. Call us at (954) 406-6897 and take the first step toward achieving optimal dental health.


How long will pain typically last following a tooth extraction?

After a simple extraction, you may have mild discomfort for 1-2 days. For a surgical extraction, some degree of pain may persist for 3-7 days.

If you endure severe pain beyond this timeframe, it’s advisable to consult your dentist promptly.

How can I prevent complications after a tooth extraction?

To minimize the risk of complications after a tooth extraction, follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions carefully. This includes avoiding strenuous activities, refraining from smoking and maintaining good oral hygiene by gently brushing and rinsing your mouth with saltwater as directed.

Is tooth extraction painful?

While you may experience some discomfort during and after the procedure, your dentist will use anesthesia to numb the area, ensuring you feel minimal pain during the extraction process. Following post-operative care instructions can help manage any discomfort during the healing period.