Periodontics Coral Springs, FL

Periodontal Maintenance

Did you know that so many people have periodontal diseases? One of the trickiest parts of the disease is that it is usually painless and can infect anyone without knowing about it. Some of the more common and visible symptoms include swollen, bleeding, or red gums, some patients may experience bad breath, and some have loose teeth. But that would occur much later. There would be no symptoms initially, but remember that periodontal issues mainly occur due to poor oral hygiene habits. Besides brushing and flossing your teeth twice a day, visit your dentist twice a year to check your oral health. If they find anything suspicious, they will let you know about it and discuss the next course of treatment.

Periodontal Maintenance
Periodontist Coral Springs, FL

Scaling and Root Planning

The deep cleaning procedure is quite different from the regular teeth cleaning by the hygienist at your dentist’s office in Coral Springs. This treatment is primarily designed to reduce gum inflammation, prevent further bone loss and improve the health of your gums. It involves cleaning below the gum lines and all the hard-to-reach spots like pockets located near the base of your tooth roots. It helps to clean the tartar off, which, if left untreated, can cause severe bacterial infections. Deep cleaning is a great treatment solution for those suffering from periodontal diseases.

Scaling and Root Planning
Periodontics in Coral Springs, FL

Gum Grafting

Gum grafting is an oral surgery that helps to reverse the effects of gum recession. It is a quick and effortless procedure wherein your dentist will replace your recessed gums with healthy gum tissues taken from the roof of your mouth. Gum recession can lead to tooth sensitivity as it exposes your tooth roots. Some people choose gum grafting for cosmetic purposes as well. Gum recession tends to occur very slowly, and many people do not even realize that it’s happening to them. But when left untreated, gum recession can even lead to tooth loss. So if you are feeling sensitivity in your teeth while eating/drinking hot/cold food/beverage, contact your dentist nearby.

Gum Grafting
Periodontist in Coral Springs, FL

Bone Grafting

Treatment of tooth cavities is done by removing the decayed material from your teeth and then replacing it with a filling material. The procedure helps prevent the cavities from spreading any further, and it also saves your natural tooth. Apart from this, fillings can also repair cracked or broken teeth. Delight Dental Smiles offer high-quality filling treatment for your teeth in Coral Springs, FL.

Bone Grafting