Single Tooth Dental Implants in Coral Springs Image

Single Tooth Implant In Coral Springs & Hollywood

A single tooth implant refers to a dental implant used to replace a single tooth and its root. Delight Dental Smiles offer high-quality tooth replacement options and dental implants in Coral Springs for people missing teeth. Single-tooth implants provide stability and return full functionality to your mouth. If you are missing a tooth, contact Delight Dental Smiles to learn more about dental implants.

What To Expect During Your Consult for Dental Implants Coral Springs?

How the dental implant procedure is performed depends on the type of implant and the condition of your jawbone. Since Dental implant surgery may involve several procedures, you will need a comprehensive examination. Dr. Rodriguez will examine the area where the implant will be placed to see if there is enough bone. She will also review your x-rays, and she will explain the treatment and time frame that the procedure will take.


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Types of single-tooth implants:

Endosteal implants
This is the most common tooth dental implant. Here, an implant is installed in your jawbone and allowed to heal before the tooth crown is fitted. Endosteal implants are said to be excellent for the jawbone and can prevent it from getting eroded.

Subperiosteal Implants
Unlike Endosteal implants, suprameral implants don’t bear any drilling in the jaw bone. Instead, the implant is installed under the gum but on top of the jaw bone. Subperiosteal Implants are ideal for cases where the patients do not have strong jawbones to hold the implants.

Advantages of a single-tooth implant

  1. A single-tooth implant doesn’t interfere with the neighboring natural teeth.
  2. It helps to restore your normal bite.
  3. Repairs the teeth structure and brings back your teeth to their natural appearance
  4. It restores your smile that was hampered due to the missing tooth
  5. Easy to clean and maintain.

Who can get dental implants? Am I a candidate?

A great candidate for a single-tooth dental implant should have adequate jawbone structure so that they can hold the dental implants properly. Your gums and teeth should also be in good health.

Getting a tooth dental implant in Coral Springs, FL

Are you missing a single tooth and want to get a dental implant to restore your natural smiles? Delight Dental Smiles offers dental implant placement in Coral Springs, Florida, offering high-quality implants to residents and visitors in the area of Coral Springs. Learn more about the dental implant procedure by calling (954) 255-3500 or visiting our dental office located at 7426 Wiles Rd, Coral Springs, FL 33067. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.