Sometimes, a tooth can suffer such extensive damage from injury, infection, illness, or decay that it requires tooth extraction. Additionally, extraction becomes necessary for proper alignment in overcrowded adult teeth. 

At Delight Dental Smile, our experienced dentists skillfully extract teeth and provide the aftercare you need to recover fully and regain a beautiful smile. Following all tooth extraction: Procedure and Aftercare care is crucial to prevent complications that may hinder your recovery.

What is Tooth Extraction? 

Tooth extraction is the removal of an adult tooth, which may result in natural bleeding from the socket, even with stitches in place. Our dental support team will provide gauze pads and instruct you to gently apply them to the socket to absorb drainage, stop bleeding, and encourage clotting.

Typically, it is advised to keep the gauze in place for 3-4 hours following the tooth extraction, replacing it as needed. To facilitate clotting, patients are recommended to refrain from rinsing, smoking, or drinking through a straw for 24 hours.

When is Tooth Extraction Recommended? 

Healthcare providers prioritize the preservation of natural teeth whenever feasible. However, there are instances where alternative restorative treatments like dental fillings or crowns may not suffice. If your tooth is extensively damaged beyond repair, extraction might be the recommended course of action. Your dentist may suggest tooth extraction if you experience:

  • Severe tooth decay (cavities).
  • A fractured tooth.
  • Impacted tooth.
  • Crowded teeth.
  • Severe gum disease.
  • Tooth luxation or other dental injuries.

What happens after Tooth Extraction? 

After your tooth extraction procedure, you will receive a prescription for painkillers to alleviate any discomfort. While some patients find relief with acetaminophen alone, others may need stronger medication. Applying ice to the side of your face in ten-minute intervals can help reduce pain and swelling.

Furthermore, it’s important to prioritize rest. Plan to rest for at least 24 hours following the extraction and take it easy for a couple of days thereafter. Prop your head up on pillows while resting to minimize bleeding.

After the First Day of Tooth Extraction 

Following the initial 24-hour healing period, you can resume your normal activities. Gently rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution (mixing ½ tsp. salt with 8 oz. warm water) and continue brushing and flossing, taking care to avoid the open socket.

For the next few days, stick to soft foods like Jell-O, soup, pudding, yogurt, mashed potatoes, and scrambled eggs. As your socket heals, reintroduce a regular diet, but steer clear of hard foods that may cause injury to the socket and hinder the healing process until you are fully recovered.

On average, recovery takes a few days to two weeks to fully heal from tooth extraction. If you notice unusual symptoms, it could be a sign of infection, so reach out to our office immediately. Symptoms to watch out for include:

  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Fever and chills
  • Redness and swelling
  • Excessive discharge
  • Cough, trouble breathing, or chest pain

Once you’ve achieved full healing, you can discuss the tooth replacement procedure with our dentists to restore your smile and prevent the shifting of other teeth. Contact Delight Dental Smiles today at (954) 406-6942 or online to schedule your appointment.

Post-Operative Instructions Following Extraction – Tooth Extraction Care 

The post-operative instructions include to do the following:


  • Keep your head elevated while resting.
  • Slowly get up from a reclined position to prevent sudden dizziness.
  • Do less physical activity for the first 24 hours and avoid excessive exertion for 72 hours.
  • Resting aids in faster healing!

Swelling and Bruising:

  • Some swelling is normal during the healing process.
  • If swelling appears excessive and is accompanied by fever or severe pain, please speak with your dentist.
  • Use an ice pack for the first day following surgery to enhance comfort and reduce swelling. Apply the ice pack to your face over the surgical area for 20 minutes.
  • For extra comfort the day following surgery, moist heat may be used.


  • Take your pain medication before the numbness goes away.
  • If an antibiotic was prescribed, take it as directed until it is completely finished. It’s advisable to take an over-the-counter probiotic when using antibiotics.
  • Some pain medications may cause lightheadedness. Lying down can alleviate this.
  • Taking medications with food can reduce the risk of an upset stomach.


  • Red saliva is normal for the first 24 hours, but significant bleeding should not occur. If excessive bleeding happens, apply firm pressure to the area with a moist gauze or teabag for 20 minutes. If bleeding persists, please contact us immediately.

Mouth Care: After tooth extraction

  • Don’t rinse, spit, or use a straw for 3 days after surgery. When blood clots form, these actions can disrupt healing.
  • You can start with gentle rinsing 3 days after surgery, but avoid vigorous rinsing for 7 days.
  • Refrain from using over-the-counter mouthwash for 7 days.
  • You may start brushing the NON-SURGICAL areas on the day of surgery.


  • Opt for softer foods during the first week, including pasta, eggs, fish, yogurt, soup, pudding, and softly cooked vegetables.
  • Avoid extremes in temperature for the initial days; steer clear of very hot, very cold, or acidic/spicy foods.
  • Refrain from consuming hard, crunchy foods like popcorn, small seeds (e.g., in strawberries, sesame, and poppy), nuts, or chips for the first-week post-surgery.
  • Maintain a well-balanced diet.


  • It is strongly recommended to AVOID SMOKING after surgery. Smoking can impede healing, heighten discomfort, and may increase the risk of bleeding and infection at the surgical site.


Trust Delight Dental Smiles, Coral Springs, FL, for comprehensive tooth extraction and aftercare services. Our experienced dentists skillfully perform extractions and provide personalized aftercare to ensure a smooth recovery process. Whether you’re dealing with severe decay, impacted teeth, or other dental issues, we’re here to help you regain your smile and oral health.

Contact Delight Dental Smiles today at (954) 406-6942 or visit us online to schedule your appointment. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any concerns or questions regarding tooth extraction and aftercare. Your dental health is our top priority.


What Risks or Complications Are Associated with Tooth Extraction?

Similar to any surgical procedure, tooth extraction poses a small risk of complications. These may involve:

  • Post-surgical infection.
  • Dry socket.
  • Nerve injury.
  • Perforation of the maxillary sinus.
  • Delayed healing.

What are the Side effects of Tooth Removal?

Typical effects after tooth extraction include bleeding, swelling, and discomfort. Your dentist will offer instructions on effectively managing your healing process.

What Can I Eat After a Tooth Extraction?

Avoid hard and crunchy foods for the first few days after tooth extraction. Eat soft foods like rice, pasta, eggs, yogurt, and applesauce. Also, avoid drinking through straws, as this action can dislodge blood clots and cause dry sockets.